Internet Safety Training
JCSD Participates in the E-Rate program for funding for technology project and procurement. Because of this participation, the District must provide education on Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety to all students. Please use the links on the left that indicate grade level to find resources relevant to your students.
Specifically, the requirement is stated below:
For schools, the policy must also include monitoring the online activities of minors. Note: As of July 1, 2012, as part of their CIPA certification, schools are also required to certify that their Internet safety policies have been updated to provide for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, cyberbullying awareness, and response.
Please use the content on the pages in the left navigation at your discretion. While the grade levels are posted, please use your judgment to the applicability of the content. Please note, that you must also cover the District Acceptable Use Policy during the student training.
After the training, the students must sign to indicate that they have received training and that they agree to the district's Acceptable Use Policy. Please download the document below. It is a form that each student must sign indicating that he or she has received training and further that the student agrees to the Acceptable Use Polcy. This form, completed by ALL OF YOUR STUDENTS including all students enrolled throughout the school year, is maintained by the school in the E-Rate Binder.